Monday, January 11, 2010


Written & Illustrated by Mark Alan Stamaty

Alfred A. Knopf 2010

Approx age 6 & up

Remember the first time you heard REAL music? The first song that made you stand, turn up the volume and run around like crazy? Mark Stamaty was 8 years old the first time he heard Elvis singing Hound Dog, and it changed his life. It was also the first time his mother heard it, although her reaction was the complete opposite. With a fresh-groomed pompadour, his resemblance to the young star leads him to lip sync an Elvis song at the talent show. His initial enthusiasm gives way to shaking stage fright, but as soon as the song starts, the power of the song propelling him to rock! He not only wins over the crowd, he gains the pride of his mom.

Mark Alan Stamaty's autobiographical comic is a great bridge for kids who are able to listen to longer stories, who might just be on the cusp of reading. His comic style has a raw feel to it, not losing its momentum in worrying over how clean the lines are. In fact, it only helps the authenticity of a story from the eyes of an eight year old. His panels, while crammed with text, still stay dynamic, the whole page of panels being a great composition in itself. The back-to-back splash pages of him hearing it and then his mother are great, the elation cum horror are worth the cover price alone. The author's note on how his love of the King continues and how that changed his life are welcome additions, not bogging the book down with extraneous text.

Stamaty has captured a perfect snap shot of an universal moment in every one's life. Even if it wasn't Presely that did it for you, you might find yourself digging around in your record collection, and singing to the bathroom mirror after your done with this one.

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